How to Qualify for Eyelid Surgery (Blepharoplasty)

August 23, 2023

Eyelid surgery, also known as Blepharoplasty, is a procedure that addresses excess skin of the eyelids. . There are a range of reasons why one might choose to undergo eyelid surgery, including correcting excess eyelid skin that may impair vision or a lower Blepharoplasty which can reduce puffiness and bags under the eyes. 

In this article, we’ll help you understand how to navigate the qualification process for Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery), as well as other key factors involved, so you can confidently make an informed decision to  achieve your desired results.

Understanding Eyelid Surgery in Australia

Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure that involves the removal of excess skin, fat, or muscle from the eyelids. . There are two types of Blepharoplasty: upper eyelid surgery, which targets the upper eyelids, and lower eyelid surgery, focusing on the lower eyelids. While the procedure can lead to significant aesthetic improvements, as with any surgical intervention, there are potential risks involved with Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) which can include,  infection, scarring, and changes in eyelid shape

Qualification Criteria for Eyelid Surgery in Australia

To be eligible for blepharoplasty in Australia, certain criteria must be met. This criteria includes age requirements and considerations, physical health and medical history assessment, visual impairments and their impact on eligibility, and a psychological evaluation to ensure mental well-being.

Age Requirements and Considerations

The ideal candidates for Blepharoplasty (eyelid surgery) are typically over the age of 35, as this is when most individuals start experiencing changes in the quality of skin around the eyes. However, younger individuals may also qualify if they have hereditary eyelid conditions or other medical concerns affecting their eyelids.

Physical Health and Medical History Assessment

A thorough evaluation of your overall health is essential to determine if you can safely undergo the procedure. Your surgeon will review your medical history, assess any existing medical conditions, and discuss any medications you’re currently taking to ensure your suitability for surgery.

Visual Impairments and Impact on Eligibility

In cases where drooping eyelids obstruct your vision, blepharoplasty may be considered medically necessary. If this is the case, there may be options for partial coverage under Medicare. However, the eligibility for Medicare rebates is subject to specific criteria and requirements.

Psychological Evaluation and Mental Well-being

A psychological evaluation may be necessary to ensure that you have realistic expectations and that the procedure aligns with your aesthetic goals and mental well-being.

How Much Does Eyelid Surgery Cost in Australia?

The cost of Blepharoplasty (Eyelid surgery) can vary for each client, based on a number of factors. When considering the total cost, it’s important to note that this is generally inclusive of consultation fees, anaesthesia costs, facility fees, and post-operative care expenses, as well as the actual surgical fees. It’s recommended to consult with a reputable surgeon who will provide you with a personalised treatment plan and a clear understanding of the potential costs involved.

How to Qualify for Eyelid Surgery Medicare Rebate and Health Insurance Coverage

In some cases, blepharoplasty may qualify for partial coverage under Medicare if the procedure is considered medically necessary due to vision impairment. Additionally, certain private health insurance plans may offer coverage for eyelid surgery in certain cases. Your specialist or clinic can help guide you through the process of understanding your insurance options and potential Medicare rebates.

Trusted Expertise and Experience: Shape Clinic Eyelid Surgery

At Shape Clinic, we take pride in offering state-of-the-art facilities and equipment to ensure the highest standards of safety and quality care. Our highly-qualified specialist plastic  surgeon, Dr Steven Liew  works with a team of medical industry professionals to provide the highest level of personalised care and support throughout your journey. For further information and guidance, explore our website or get in touch with our friendly teamFor more information,  Contact us online or call +61 2 8356 2888 to schedule a consultation today.